JAMstack Update: November 24th, 2019

The Reports are in

The HTTP Archive’s Web Almanac is built upon the Archive’s rich data set and a braintrust of 85 volunteer contributors. It’s great nerdy reading, but I can’t help concluding the web is not in great shape: Most sites are not fast, or secure, or accessible. And, of course, most sites—74%—are built with Wordpress, or other monolithic CMS-based systems.

…improvements in page weight have been more constrained by the low adoption of best practices than by the technology itself.

We know that monolithic systems are inherently slower than our way, but I believe the problem is that people building websites often don’t know or don’t care to use best practices. We can do better!

Moving along the Technology Adoption Cycle, JAMstack made Thoughtworks' “Annual Technology Radar” in the “worth exploring” category. Forrester is already expecting a shakeout in the SaaS-based CMS market, and Dean Barker, author of “Web Content Management” predicts:

…there’s a shakeout coming for the headless market, in particular. Some vendor will start rolling up smaller players, and others will just cease operations.

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